Saturday, September 12, 2009

Julie and Julia Review

A few months ago, the wife and I started doing a Friday night 'dinner and a movie' thing. We both looked forward to Fridays with a new anticipation and of course the usual dilemma of where to eat and what to see would usually arise. We ended up seeing a few stinkers but the one that sticks out was - "Julie and Julia".
This movie was greatly entertaining! It was funny, serious and had a solid story line that kept me interested the whole movie. It contained so much of what I enjoy - food, cooking, history, blogging, romance, Meryl Streep and I can say I was certainly satisfied.
I grew up watching Julia Child and thought at the time she was a 'loony' old lady with a funny voice. But as I got older I realized she set the standard when it came to TV cooking shows and boy did she know her stuff.
One word of caution- eat before you go otherwise all that food and cooking will make you so hungry you'll hit the snack bar on the way out of the theater!

Bon Appetit

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